(Phyllis DeGioia/VIN News Service)
The University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine proposes to spend $115 million to double the size of its small animal clinic and upgrade its large animal facilities. UW Veterinary Care, the school’s teaching hospital, opened in 1985 with a capacity for 12,000 patients every year. Today, the hospital’s caseload is closer to 26,000 annually.
The expansion also would triple the laboratory space available for infectious-disease research. Kristi Thorson, associate dean for advancement and administration, said the school’s research expenditures grew 58 percent during the past five years, necessitating more space for the work. Its total expenditure for research in 2017 was more than $28 million.
The school expects that the University of Wisconsin System will ask the state to consider this project for the 2019-21 budget, Thorson said. Of the $115 million cost, the UW seeks $75 million from the state and $40 million from private donations.
“The school will not be able to move forward with the project without approval by the governor and the Legislature,” Thorson said.
On the private-fundraising side, the school has raised slightly more than half of its target so far.
Read the full article at: http://news.vin.com/VINNews.aspx?articleId=48690