Every day at the UW School of Veterinary Medicine, we work to improve the lives of animals and people all over the world. But we have reached a point where time is no longer the most critical factor in helping us find a cure or save a life. Space is the key.
We need heroes like you to help us build it.

See the latest snapshots of the School of Veterinary Medicine’s building expansion’s progress from our on-site construction camera.
New images are captured hourly during business hours, Monday-Friday. The timelapse video below shows July 2021 to present.
The UW School of Veterinary Medicine helps make both animal and human lives better. Our discoveries have advanced cancer treatments, we’ve created new ways to fight the flu, and we’re a world leader when it comes to keeping cows healthy and happy.

The school offers outstanding programs in veterinary medical education, research, clinical practice, and service that enhance the health of both animals and people throughout the state -- and around the world.